General Features
- Record entry, exit of visitors, contract workers, vehicles material
- Authorise all entries
- Pop-ups and alerts on client PCs for Visitor authorisation
- Allow, Hold or Reject a visitor
- Pass formats : Use from the database or design your own
- Pass format : customise labels and fields, add your company logo
- Intensive onscreen and back-office MIS
- One day and long-duration, multi-entry passes
- Customise data entry forms (fields and labels)
- Informative control centres – current visitors, visit history, waiting for authorisation, online users
- Data Import: Users, departments, contract workers
- Archive or Purge historic data
- Intuitive and simple user interface for security users
- Chat module between security and staff
- User and Role definition

- Capture new visitor data by visiting card scanner
- Subsequently, use visitor details from the database
- Capture visitor Photograph (or use existing in the database), fingerprints, vehicle photograph etc.
- Generate instant passes for visitors with prior-appointments
- Online Visitor Authorisation by network protocol or GSM-SMS
- Blacklist visitors, all visitors from a companies
- Merge duplicate visitor and company data
- Easy sign-out with Bar-code reader
- Connect your LDAP user list – no need to define or update your users in AGP.
- Pre-define default meeting location
- Change your online status – available, busy
- Forward visit request to another staff member
- Define alternate user to handle visitor request “in your absence�
- Create visitor appointments for quick pass generation at the Main gate
Contract workers
- Manage Contractor and Contract worker details
- Allow entry only to authorised contract workers
- Issue time barred ID-cards with Photo and bar-code to contract workers
- Option to interface bio-matrix device and track entry/exit by finger-print device
- Safety instruction certificate
- Maintain attendance and work-hours of contract workers
- HR can Terminate or extend validity of a contract worker
- Generate statutory reports
Material IO
- Define Items
- Define multiple, sequential authorisations for material outward.
- Two types of outwards – returnable and non-returnable
- Print bar-coded (optional) material outward gate-pass
- Track inwards against outwards
- Reports – over-due items, Inward/Outward register

SMS – Gateway and GSM Modem
- Predefined SMS Templates for Authorisation, appointment, Welcome and farewell messages.
- Visitor authorisation by SMS (using GSM Modem)
- Send Appointment creation message
- Send Appointment cancellation message
- Send “Thanks for your visit� message to the visitor
Email Integration
- Predefined Email alerts for Visitor announcement, appointment, Welcome and farewell etc.
- Send email to visitor and host on Appointment creation and cancellation
- Visitor arrival and left email to Host
- “Thanks for your visit� mail to the visitor
- Allocate different Entry, Exit gates
- Enter from any gate exit from any gate
- Allocate specific security users to specific gate
- Synchronize entry and exit

- Host a central application server
- Remote sites can access the application server to run a local application
- Single Universal database for global MIS
- Remote site application will display local data (local visitors, users)
Chat Module
- Security users can initiate a chat with online staff members and vice-versa
- Allows single security for multiple Tenants
- Can be used in buildings and complexes having multiple organisations
- Can be used in Residential and housing establishments
Useful Utilities
- Merge duplicate companies (e.g. SBI, State bank of India)
- Merge duplicate visitors (e.g. S. B. Singh, Satyadev B Singh)
- Blacklist visitor or visitor company
- SMS sending utility (security to users)
- Inactive users (not shown in active user list)
- Import master data.
Avail visitor gate pass software features. Key Features of Visitor control software, visiting card scanning system, visitor pass systems will be Record entry, exit of visitors, contract workers, vehicles material Authorize all entries.
Contact us at +91-79-26748868, 26731132 for Visitor management software, visitor management system.